Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Different Email Formatting In Microsoft Outlook

If you do not like the way the Outlook messages appear or the format in which the emails are displayed, you can easily customize your Outlook messages the way you want. Microsoft allows the Outlook user to select the best format for the reader. You can either reformat all messages or just a single email message. Not just the email text, but you can also format anything you want, including the dates. Outlook lets you format the messages according to your personal preference. Choose the reformatting technique that meets your needs, or apply them all.
The following Outlook Help guidelines will tell you the different Outlook email formatting methods.

How to reformat dates
  • Go to the Start menu located at the bottom left corner of your computer desktop and click the Start button. From the Start menu, go to the Control Panel. Locate and click the option Language and region.
  • Here you will find the option to customize the date settings. Choose the option Change or Customize to view the current date settings and change them.
  • Customize the settings as per your preference. Say for example, you have the option to choose a four-digit year or a two-digit year, or abbreviate the month field. You can make changes to the short form date or long form date, or switch from one setting to the other. Click on the OK button to save your settings and reformat Outlook's date settings.
How to reformat a single message
  • Go to the Start menu and click Microsoft Outlook to launch the application.
  • Once the Outlook application is opened, click on the option Actions in the menu tab and then select the option New Mail Message Using.
  • From here, you can select the format you want for the message text. Click the format you want to use: Plain Text, HTML or RTF. Plain Text is the simplest format. It supports no formatting, but displays the same on all email programs. HTML supports text and image formatting and should display on almost all email programs according to Microsoft Support. RTF is a Microsoft format that can only be read by Microsoft email clients, such as Microsoft Exchange or Outlook.
  • Selecting any of these format options will change your message accordingly.
How to reformat all messages
  • Open Outlook using the Start menu. Wait for Outlook to open before continuing.
  • Click Tools from the Outlook menu, click Options and then click Mail Format.
  • View the current default format in the Send in this message format field: RTF, HTML or Plain Text. Click the format you want to make it default. Your change will take place immediately.
For further assistance, go through the Outlook Help menu or visit Microsoft Support Center.

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