Friday, April 4, 2014

New Xbox Video Online By Microsoft

With the launch of the new Xbox Video online, Microsoft has been able to expand its video streaming media service from Windows 8.1 PCs and Xbox One and has handed the responsibility onto the web. All of this got done way ahead of the release of the new Windows Phone. In the new site consumption of content bought earlier is supported and all you have to do is log into your account. You can buy the new media at the webstore, which can then be played back into your PC.

There are some drawbacks however in this new web version. Microsoft alleges that these complications could have a significant impact on the release of the smartphone.

Picture quality is one of the biggest issues in the service; “HD Quality playback is not currently supported on the Web and Windows Phone.” Microsoft have issued a warning saying that if you try to purchase a HD movie or TV show then, “Your purchase will play in SD quality. Xbox Video on Windows 8.1 and Xbox One supports HD quality playback.”

The lack of full HD resolution support in the service is very unfortunate considering that this feature has not yet been introduced in the Windows Phone so far. Only the Nokia Lumia 1520 with its 6-inch panel posses 1920 x 1080 display making it perfect for playing media in highr solution and clarity.

Irrespective of this, it is sad that Microsoft did not capitalize on working with a standard definition. Only plus point is that bandwidth consumption will remain low. In either case Microsoft has lost the battle a bit too quickly considering that purchases of both iTunes on iOS and Google Play on Android, with full HD support while Xbox Video does not even have options to switch between different quality levels.

However, Microsoft still has a big window of opportunity to make changes. As the company still says “currently supported” about its SD limitation there is still hope for improvement. Broader access to content on both Xbox One or Windows 8.1 are also places for improvement. To know more you can check up on the Microsoft support page. You could also post your queries on the Microsoft support page about the new Xbox Video online service. Those looking to access these streams must have a Silverlight plug-in on their browsers. Keep checking for more news.

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