Email signatures are the fingerprints of the corporate world. At times, you will need a short, to-the-point signature for chain replies and later you may need a formal, official looking signature. Unfortunately, the signature option in Microsoft Outlook can be difficult to find and it could be buried deep in the abyss of the backstage mode of operations.
This article explains the Outlook setting configurations to be done to create a signature in the Outlook 2013 program.
This article explains the Outlook setting configurations to be done to create a signature in the Outlook 2013 program.
- Open the Microsoft Outlook program and then click on the New Email tab at the top left hand corner of the home window.
- Click on Signature from the top panel that is located next to the Attach item. This will open a drop down menu, which gives you options to add an existing signature to the email that you are working on. Select the signatures from this menu. This will open a Signatures and Stationery window.
- Click on the New button in the Signatures and Stationery window to make a new signature template of your own.
- You have the option to Compose your signature in the editing window. If you have your contact info already saved in the Microsoft Outlook program, you may simply import all that information in the form of a business card by just clicking the Business Card button located at the top right corner of the edit options.
- You have the option to add images to the signature, like a banner or logo by pasting it to the editor or by clicking on the button located to the right of the Business Card button. The web addresses will be hyperlinked automatically. If you wish to add a link of your own, you may click on the Insert Hyperlink button on the extreme right. After doing these steps, click on the OK button. This will save the signature that you have created for future use.
- Make the new signature your default one. You can do this from the Signatures and Stationery window. This will ensure that this signature is included with every new message, replies or forwards sent from your Outlook account.
- If you do not want to use a default signature for all the emails, you can insert the signature into individual mails by clicking on the Signature button in the Compose window and then selecting the signature that you just created.
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